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Sleepy Post

>> Saturday, August 17, 2013

Eesh I'm feeling lazy today. So sleeeeepy. Me and the man are headed to Santa Barbara today for some fun (we're even taking Louie with us!) so I need to drink some coffee and wake up. Good thing I've got a Keurig. Speaking of Keurigs, if you have one you've GOT to try the Green Mountain Coffee Mountain Blueberry flavor. It is seriously the best. It makes the whole kitchen smell like blueberries and the coffee has just the right amount of sweetness. We ran out of it within a week and desperately need to get some more.

Anyhow, I'm too exhausted to really figure out what to post right now. I'm just going to end up rambling if I keep typing. Which could be entertaining...

So I'm just going to wrap this post up with a picture of how I feel right now:

Sleepy baby lion :)


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