I am (a poem)
>> Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I am red hot velvet the
plummet between the
femme and the fatal I am a
unmade a broken ceiling the scratches on bare I am
the front page the tragedy the inbetween words
I am gottohaveit havetohaveit am yes means
yes! the wandering the wondering I am lace shadow a
smear of pink on petals I am
crescendo and the
semi-precious I am to please to
gape gasp open to seem marble
I am writing on the bathroom walls singing with a broken mouth dreams of leather and suicide fame I
am the pretty in the maybe one day I am.
This is a poem I wrote a year or two ago and it still feels pretty relevant. So often I feel a dichotomy of things--strong and weak, in control and absolutely crazy, sweet and bitchy. This poem captures that in it's words and in it's structure. Human beings are a mess of contradictions; sometimes this hurts us and other times it makes for a beautiful, complex story.
No one is all good or all bad; no one is always strong, no one is always weak. I still struggle with who I am and who I want to be (don't we all from time to time?), but I'm learning how to embrace the good and understand/change the bad. I've been doing a lot of self-examination lately and it's already been a pretty incredible (although by no means easy) experience.
Sometimes you just gotta figure out what the hell you're doing and why you're the way you are and what kind of person you want to be. It's a pretty important adventure!
So thanks for undertaking it with me everyone :) Love you all!
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