Alright I'm going to talk some more running today. I've got serious runner's brain right now with marathon training, so it's basically my favorite thing to go on and on and on about.
So, here are a few of my favorite running products I recommend for anyone who wants to get serious about running!
Compression Socks: These are AMAZING. And that's not even an exaggeration. They're knee-lenght socks that are extra tight and made to improve blood flow and help your legs recover faster during and after a run. I used to have some pretty severe shin splints (where your shin, usually from lots of running, experiences extra stress on the muscle and can lead to actual fracturing of the bone), and compression socks (or sleeves--these don't cover your feet) seemed worth a try. And now I hardly ever run without them. The difference compression socks have made on my legs and on my running is monumental. I would recommend these to anyone who runs several times a week (especially if you're prone to leg soreness). They're kind of expensive (about 40 to 60 dollars), but totally worth it.
I recommend buying at Pro Compression (, where you can buy all sorts of awesome colors (I have the hot pink, obviously) and patterns. A lot of times they're running a discount on the compression sock of the month, so go check it out!
This is not my most adorable picture, but you can see my black compression socks (super stylish right? haha I actually love the way they look). I'm also wearing compression shorts (for my hamstrings), another great purchase. And an Under Armor sports bra (my favorite when you can get them on sale!).
A Foam Roller/Stick Roller: This is my favorite recovery tool. I have a foam roller and the stick roller (not sure if that's the official name), and I prefer the stick. But both will make a difference in your recovery and injury prevention.
Foam Roller
Stick Roller
Basically you use the stick roller while standing, and run it over the areas that are sore (calves, hammier, quads, etc.). To use the foam roller you have to sit on the ground, hold yourself up with your hands, and roll the sore areas over it (you can do it on your back, bum, everywhere!).
Fun Running Clothes!: Okay, so these aren't really necessary but it's so fun running around in colorful, fun clothes. Especially if you're not so motivated to run. If putting on a crazy, neon green zebra print sports bra gets you on the treadmill or out the door then, heck, go buy some cute running gear! Some running brands are kind of expensive (that being said, they clothes are worth ever penny--they hold up really, really well), but you can also find sales at many sports stores and buy running outfits online or at places like Ross and Marshals (sometimes they have super cute stuff). Colorful running jackets are my favorite!
A Watch (of some sort): I've spent most of my running career using $20 watches from Target. I've never been much for heart rate monitors or GPS watches (mainly because I can't afford them). As long as I can tell how long I've been running I'm good to go. I've gotten pretty good at knowing how different paces feel and being able to judge how fast I'm going. About two months ago, I was introduced to the iPhone app Map My Run. This app has changed my running so much. Not only does it provide your time, your calories burned, and how many miles you've run, it also includes your splits, an image of the path you ran, and it stores all of this info so you have a complete running log! It''s the best. Now, instead of a watch, I run using this app. Oh, also, it's free!
Good Shoes:Theoretically, the only thing you need to run is a pair of shoes. BUT those shoes need to be high quality and need to be right for you. Go to a local running store (RunOn!, Luke's Locker, any store that is specially meant for runners). The employees there will watch you walk, run, and ask you about your running needs. Then, they'll bring out several pairs that they think will work for you, you try them on, walk/run around, and ideally leave with a pair of shoes that are perfect for you! Shoes that aren't appropriate for your feet, your mileage, or your goals can lead to potential injury and discomfort. Take the time and spend the extra money to get good shoes!
So there ya have it. Those are my top 5 running related purchases.
And of course, if you have any running questions please ask me! I'll talk your ear off :)
Ughhhh. I hate and LOVE this post all at once! I started running at the gym and find that if I manage to get past about 15 minutes I start to zone out and not concentrate so much on what my body is doing. That is a revelation!
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