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I Can't Wait for Fall!

>> Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A brief blog note: stuff might be changing soon! I've got some new ideas and have been trying to figure out a way to make this less like my journal and more relatable to everybody (and less all over the place!). But regardless of what changes, I'll definitely keep writing and I hope everyone comes along for the journey! As of now, I'm just going to keep posting whatever random things my heart desires. But just wanted to alert everyone to the idea that things might be changing soon-ish! But get excited, it's going to be good changes!

Not a whole lot going on today. I went for a six mile run in ridiculous heat (I had to get up early for an appointment and ran afterward). Thankfully I hydrated excessively (but not too excessively - that can be super dangerous too), wore a hat, and tried to stay in the shade. I am SO ready for fall. Not just for running purposes, but also because I simply love autumn. I adore the smells, the colors, and the overall atmosphere.

There's just something so special about fall. My affinity for the season might have something to do with my childhood - fall in VA is spectacular and preparation for coming holidays was always fun in my family. One of my first memories is carving pumpkins with my dad and decorating the house with fall decor with my mom. The rustic oranges and golden yellows of autumn are some of my favorite colors, and the bright sunshine accompanied with a touch of cold weather makes me feel so incredibly content and peaceful. I love pumpkin flavors, the smell of cinnamon and drinking hot coffee on cool days. I love how fall means that the holidays are coming and I get to spend time with the people I care about. And back to running, I love how the early fall air reminds me of racing in high school. It gives me the best kind of shivers, stepping outside and going for a run in weather that's absolutely perfect. The sky is so, so blue, the trees are shedding the summer months, and I always feel rejuvenated. 

Oh, and I love wearing fall clothes! Big, comfy sweaters, adorable boots, dark jeans, and colorful scarves. Eee I can't wait for fall! Of course, I'm not really sure what kind of fall I'm in for in California, but I can already tell that it's going to be a wonderful season!


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