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Bad (and oh so good) TV

>> Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Been feeling a little under the weather today, so I don't have anything crazy exciting to report. Right now I'm sitting on the couch with my little family watching 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,' which I generally refuse to watch because I just can't handle it, but for some reason right now it's highly entertaining. I really must not be feeling well...

Speaking of good (and/or bad?) TV, you have got to watch 'Drunk History' on the History Channel. I watched this for the first time last night and oh my gosh it's hilarious. Basically, a comedian gets really drunk and recites a historical event (usually very inaccurately). While they're detailing the events of "history," actors portray what they're saying. It's seriously one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.

Does anyone else watch America's Next Top Model? This show is on its 20th season and it's more ridiculous and over-the-top than ever. I'm still kind of obsessed with this show (I know, I know, embarrassing) but I can't help it.

So, now that I've detailed my recent TV viewings (don't judge me!) I'm going to wrap up this post and try and get some sleep. Oh, I also watched the VMA's on Sunday and, like everyone else, have my own opinions about the whole thing.

1. Justin Timberlake is AMAZING. And he seems like such a sweet guy.
2. Taylor Swift looked awesome, but she came off kind of snooty in all of her interviews and speeches.
3. I have mixed opinions on Miley Cyrus's performance: I love the girl and totally understand her desire to change her image, but there are issues with her performance (mostly race related). Those issues need to be addressed, but there's also a lot of slut shaming going on and, as a fellow woman, I don't think insulting/trashing Miley and her sexuality is the right thing to do.
4. Katy Perry is cute and I like her new song.



Photo Recap

>> Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'm now going to recap the past week in photos:

Flowers from my wonderful boyfriend after hearing about my new jobs :)


Date night (we have a really awesome skill: taking super bad selfies)

A delicious meal at Veggie Grill (lentil soup and tempeh/avocado/mango salad)



OH MY GOSH you guys, I thought I was never going to be able to post on my blog again. Because I'm not smart about computers I somehow managed to make like 4 gmail accounts and then managed to forget the account this blog was on. What ensued: tears, yelling, and searching every corner of the interwebs to try and figure out how to fix my problem.

FINALLY I somehow managed to stumble upon the correct account (and promptly wrote down the user name and password), so I'm super excited right now.

I haven't been able to post in days and it's been stressing me out!

So now I'm back and have a TON of stuff to share.

First and foremost: I am officially a grown woman! Grown in that I am now officially employed with not one, but two big girl jobs! *embarrassingly bad happy dance*

I'm now writing for an incredible magazine in Los Angeles - Boulevard Magazine - and I'm so excited about it. So far I've already done a ton of writing, editing, and exploring parts of LA for stories. Check out the magazines website at!

These past weeks have been a whirlwind - I've been super busy running around and I LOVE it. I thrive on having to balance things and staying busy, it feels so good to be working. Especially working in the fields I want to work in!

It really feels like everything is falling into place - I don't know that I've ever been this happy before :)

That's the big news! I've also been running, hanging out with the bf and puppy, and doing some of my own personal writing!

I'm seriously feeling high on life right now and incredibly blessed.

And I'm glad to have my blog back!



Running Essentials

>> Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Alright I'm going to talk some more running today. I've got serious runner's brain right now with marathon training, so it's basically my favorite thing to go on and on and on about.

So, here are a few of my favorite running products I recommend for anyone who wants to get serious about running!

Compression Socks: These are AMAZING. And that's not even an exaggeration. They're knee-lenght socks that are extra tight and made to improve blood flow and help your legs recover faster during and after a run. I used to have some pretty severe shin splints (where your shin, usually from lots of running, experiences extra stress on the muscle and can lead to actual fracturing of the bone), and compression socks (or sleeves--these don't cover your feet) seemed worth a try. And now I hardly ever run without them. The difference compression socks have made on my legs and on my running is monumental. I would recommend these to anyone who runs several times a week (especially if you're prone to leg soreness). They're kind of expensive (about 40 to 60 dollars), but totally worth it.

I recommend buying at Pro Compression (, where you can buy all sorts of awesome colors (I have the hot pink, obviously) and patterns. A lot of times they're running a discount on the compression sock of the month, so go check it out!

This is not my most adorable picture, but you can see my black compression socks (super stylish right? haha I actually love the way they look). I'm also wearing compression shorts (for my hamstrings), another great purchase. And an Under Armor sports bra (my favorite when you can get them on sale!).

A Foam Roller/Stick Roller: This is my favorite recovery tool. I have a foam roller and the stick roller (not sure if that's the official name), and I prefer the stick. But both will make a difference in your recovery and injury prevention.
Foam Roller

Stick Roller

Basically you use the stick roller while standing, and run it over the areas that are sore (calves, hammier, quads, etc.). To use the foam roller you have to sit on the ground, hold yourself up with your hands, and roll the sore areas over it (you can do it on your back, bum, everywhere!).

Fun Running Clothes!: Okay, so these aren't really necessary but it's so fun running around in colorful, fun clothes. Especially if you're not so motivated to run. If putting on a crazy, neon green zebra print sports bra gets you on the treadmill or out the door then, heck, go buy some cute running gear! Some running brands are kind of expensive (that being said, they clothes are worth ever penny--they hold up really, really well), but you can also find sales at many sports stores and buy running outfits online or at places like Ross and Marshals (sometimes they have super cute stuff). Colorful running jackets are my favorite!

A Watch (of some sort): I've spent most of my running career using $20 watches from Target. I've never been much for heart rate monitors or GPS watches (mainly because I can't afford them). As long as I can tell how long I've been running I'm good to go. I've gotten pretty good at knowing how different paces feel and being able to judge how fast I'm going. About two months ago, I was introduced to the iPhone app Map My Run. This app has changed my running so much. Not only does it provide your time, your calories burned, and how many miles you've run, it also includes your splits, an image of the path you ran, and it stores all of this info so you have a complete running log! It''s the best. Now, instead of a watch, I run using this app. Oh, also, it's free!

Good Shoes:Theoretically, the only thing you need to run is a pair of shoes. BUT those shoes need to be high quality and need to be right for you. Go to a local running store (RunOn!, Luke's Locker, any store that is specially meant for runners). The employees there will watch you walk, run, and ask you about your running needs. Then, they'll bring out several pairs that they think will work for you, you try them on, walk/run around, and ideally leave with a pair of shoes that are perfect for you! Shoes that aren't appropriate for your feet, your mileage, or your goals can lead to potential injury and discomfort. Take the time and spend the extra money to get good shoes!

So there ya have it. Those are my top 5 running related purchases. 

And of course, if you have any running questions please ask me! I'll talk your ear off :)


Update and a Cute Kitten!

>> Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sorry for the delay in posts!  I've been busy over the past couple of days.

Let me catch everyone up:

Saturday night: The man, puppy, and I went to Santa Barbara for a wedding. Beforehand we took Louie down to the beach (his first time!) and it was adorable! He loved the sand and was obsessed with the big piles of kelp that had watched up on shore. Plus, he followed me everywhere I went, which made for a very happy doggie mommy :)

Sunday: We got up and ran 9 MILES! This is the most I've run since I was in high school so this was kind of monumental for me. Long distances have always been my favorite, so being able to run this sort of mileage is amazing and exciting. After the run we had a nice relaxing lunch then lounged at the apartment. Definitely a great Sunday!

Beach palm tree

These are my new compression pants and they're FABULOUS! Black with hot pink panels up and down them, they look like Barbie running gear.

This past weekend we also cat-sit for one of our friends and got to watch this little cutie pie:

Her name is Juliette and she's a several month old Scottish Fold.  And OH MY GOSH is she adorable. She was super shy at first, but after I'd been over to feed her two or three times she loved me. I even went over and spent some time writing, and she was curled up in my lap the whole time. Eeee so much cuteness!

In other random news, I want to cut my hair SUPER short. I go through these periodic cravings of having an almost boyish haircut but always chicken out. We'll see if I have the nerve to go through with it sometime soon.


Sleepy Post

>> Saturday, August 17, 2013

Eesh I'm feeling lazy today. So sleeeeepy. Me and the man are headed to Santa Barbara today for some fun (we're even taking Louie with us!) so I need to drink some coffee and wake up. Good thing I've got a Keurig. Speaking of Keurigs, if you have one you've GOT to try the Green Mountain Coffee Mountain Blueberry flavor. It is seriously the best. It makes the whole kitchen smell like blueberries and the coffee has just the right amount of sweetness. We ran out of it within a week and desperately need to get some more.

Anyhow, I'm too exhausted to really figure out what to post right now. I'm just going to end up rambling if I keep typing. Which could be entertaining...

So I'm just going to wrap this post up with a picture of how I feel right now:

Sleepy baby lion :)


My Favorite Books

>> Friday, August 16, 2013

I started reading a new book yesterday and it reminded me how much I LOVE reading. I tend to go through these phases of being book crazy and then alternately not touching a book for several months. I grew up reading constantly, it was easily one of my favorite past times as a kid. During college I had to put a lot of my personal reading on hold since, as an English major, I had at least 5 books (constantly) to read for classes. Then, after graduation, I was so overloaded on reading (after four years of non-stop literature) that it took a little time for me to pick up a book again.  But oh my gosh do I love whenever I find a good book. I will literally read all day and well into the night. I'm currently obsessed with Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children--this book is right up my ally, author-wise and reading-wise. So far it's bizarre and whimsical and wonderful. I can't wait to keep reading!

So, in honor of great books, I'm going to make a list of my ten favorites (in no particular order):

10. The Dogs of Babel--A heart wrenching page-turner, this book follows the story of Paul, who, after the mysterious death of his wife, becomes obsessed with teaching his dog to talk so he can figure out what happened.

9. The Gurlesque--The only book on this list that's not fictional, this is a collection of poems, artwork, and writing all focusing on The Gurlesque (a feminist artistic movement). If you're into gender studies PLEASE read this; it was so inspiring to me as a female artist/writer.

8. Lonesome Dove--A massive (over 1000 page) book written by Larry McMurtry, this is a classic western story with memorable characters.

7. Women in Love--One of my favorite classics by D.H. Lawrence

6. St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves--My favorite collection of short stories, the author--Karen Russell--is my idol. Her writing is beautiful and her story ideas are SO unique and fun.

5. The Fountainhead--I don't necessarily agree with Ayn Rand's political views, but this book has an incredibly powerful message. Plus you'll sound smart talking about it.

4. The Every Boy--I actually need to reread this book, but I remember it being incredible. The story and the organization of the book (you'll see what I mean if you read it) are very unique.  Definitely quirky, poignant, and oddly light hearted--a must read!

3. The Book Thief--I need to reread this book as well, but it was on the New York Times bestseller list, and is super creative in that it's narrated by Death. Originally marketed as a young adult novel, it has since been well received by adults and should be on your reading list!

2. Wicked--A creative take on the classic The Wizard of OzWicked casts the wicked witch of the west (her name is Elphaba) as the protagonist. I can't look at the The Wizard of Oz the same way ever again; and Elphaba is one of my all time favorite heroines.

1. The Golden Compass trilogy--I've re-read this trilogy three times and am probably at a point where I could read it again and enjoy it as much as ever. Don't bother watching the movie; it doesn't do the books justice. They are seriously the best series I've ever read.

And I could easily list another 100 books--reading is the best! I'm also a big fan of ridiculously long books, so don't be surprised when most of the ones above are over 500 pages...

If you have any other awesome books to recommend let me know!



Summer Sun

>> Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Today's been a kinda busy, kinda lazy day.  I got to sleep in (which was awesome) and have had some time to do a good amount of writing. I also ran some errands and went for a 4 mile run. I actually ran all the way up and down Runyon Canyon without stopping! I love running hills, but Runyon is now joke. It's 1.3 miles to the top and it is ALL uphill. I've been wanting to see if I could run all the way to the top and today felt like a good afternoon to try. I definitely did not run super fast and I looked like a sweaty, panting crazy person, but I felt so good afterward. My body felt strong and I even ran the second half of the run without my music, just soaking up the sun. :)

View while running down Runyon


Now I'm hanging out and watching this show on Syfy channel called Cosplay Heroes.  It follows around people who make a living doing Cosplay (look up cosplay if you don't know what it is, it's pretty awesome). Having just gone to ComicCon and dressed up, this show is actually pretty entertaining. People should pay me to walk around in a nerdy costume! Haha maybe not. But it's a fun show.

Last night we went out for dinner with our friends who are visiting then had a few drinks at The Darkroom (an awesome bar/restaurant). It was fun!

We took Louie and ate dinner outside. He was cold so we wrapped him up in jacket papooses.

Whenever I go to The Darkroom I order the Sophia Coppola champagne. It comes in a fuchsia colored can with a straw (just like a juice box!) and is yummy!

Happy Hump Day!


I am (a poem)

>> Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I am.

I am red hot velvet   the plummet between                                  the femme and the fatal      I am a 

monument unmade         a broken ceiling     the scratches on bare     I am the front page   the tragedy                    the inbetween words                      

I am gottohaveit havetohaveit                am yes means yes!                     the wandering                   the wondering               I am lace shadow      a smear of pink on petals       I am crescendo           and the 

shattering semi-precious   I am to please     to        gape               gasp open       to seem marble  

I am writing on the bathroom walls                  singing with a broken mouth   dreams of leather                 and suicide fame       I am the pretty in                   the maybe one day        I am.

This is a poem I wrote a year or two ago and it still feels pretty relevant. So often I feel a dichotomy of things--strong and weak, in control and absolutely crazy, sweet and bitchy. This poem captures that in it's words and in it's structure. Human beings are a mess of contradictions; sometimes this hurts us and other times it makes for a beautiful, complex story.

No one is all good or all bad; no one is always strong, no one is always weak. I still struggle with who I am and who I want to be (don't we all from time to time?), but I'm learning how to embrace the good and understand/change the bad. I've been doing a lot of self-examination lately and it's already been a pretty incredible (although by no means easy) experience.

Sometimes you just gotta figure out what the hell you're doing and why you're the way you are and what kind of person you want to be. It's a pretty important adventure!

So thanks for undertaking it with me everyone :) Love you all!



Weekend Update!

>> Sunday, August 11, 2013

First off, Saturday was a fun, fantabulous day!

My man and I went to the beach and laid out for like 4 hours. I did some writing and sun-burning (despite my application of sunscreen). It was such a beautiful day--sunny and the perfect weather. My kinda Saturday (I'm such a beach bum).

Afterward we went out for dinner at the delicious Duke's and had a drink and some seafood (I had a crab and shrimp salad--soo yummy!).

Then, today, we had a busy, busy day. We got up and went for an 8 mile run on the beach (another beautiful summer day).  Speaking of the run, today was a really interesting run for me. I think I've mentioned in other posts how fast I like to run and how hard I like to push myself. I don't really believe in jogging (at least not for myself!), and I feel most satisfied when every run pushes my limits and leaves me out of breath. Unfortunately, since injuring my hamstring over a year ago, I've been dealing with residual leg pain that will leave me sidelined for days or even weeks. I've been to physical therapy twice, which always helps, but I can't seem to shake the pain. So today I decided to try something new. Using my Map My Run app (if you're a runner you have to get this app--it's amazing! and free!), I decided to make myself slow down and see if it made a difference. Almost any runner will tell you that it's necessary to include easy runs in your schedule. If you run the way I tend to run (fast, regardless of the distance), you definitely risk injury. This is even more relevant when marathon training. Speed isn't important in the beginning of training--what really takes precedence is logging the mileage. Then, when your legs and body have adapted to long distances, you add in speed work. (Also--I am not a running coach (though I'd love to do that) my ideas and opinions are simply that--ideas and opinions). It wasn't easy adding a minute to every mile that I ran, it literally took all of my concentration. But it was totally worth it! Anytime my hamstring would tweak or ache, I'd remind myself to slow and the pain immediately went away. I was able to run the full 8 miles almost entirely pain free with only residual aching at the end of the run. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me (I've been running for years and have been told to slow down multiple times), but I guess it took actually experiencing the positive results to realize that it's okay--and even beneficial--to slow down on long runs!

After the run we went out for a delicious lunch with Louie, then came back and started...CLEANING! Like hardcore cleaning. We have friends coming into town this week who are staying with us, so we figured we better try and convince them we don't live like slobs.

We vacuumed, cleaned the fridge and bathroom, dusted, swept and swiffered, organized, went grocery shopping, and we still have to do laundry and wash the Murf. Oh wait, we're gonna wash him right now. I'll let you know how it goes haha.

Sooo it actually wasn't that bad. The poor thing really doesn't like baths, but he handled it well.

And look how cute he looks afterward:

Ears down!
Ears up!

As soon as he's out of the sink he's super happy again and just wants to curl up next to you. Such a sweetie.

It's been a very productive day!  The man just went to do laundry (because he's awesome) and I'm catching up on writing/sending some cards, watching some Food network, and making sure nothing else needs to be cleaned!

Hope everyone had an equally productive and/or wonderfully lazy weekend!



Follow Your Dreams

>> Friday, August 9, 2013

I'm trying something new starting today. From now on, I'm going to write for 4 to 6 hours a day (except for on the weekends when I'm going to try and write for an hour or two each day). Writing is my calling, my passion, and the only 100% raw and true way I know how to express myself. It's been a part of my life since I was little bitty--I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be an author when I grew up. While my elementary school classmates dreamed of being ballerinas and astronauts, I wrote constantly, creating short stories (usually about unicorns and fairies) and fantasized about having my books published one day. English classes were always my favorite, and in college I declared my major within the first week. I've always known. Always known that it is my destiny to be a writer. If that sounds cheesy, I can't help it. It's the most honest, sure sensation I've ever felt. But over the years I've constantly found myself distracted and thrown off course. I still write constantly, but my own issues and fears have a way of keeping me from truly dedicated myself to the one thing I love most. It's only been recently that I've admitted this to myself and realized how drastically I've been handicapping my writing career. Just knowing writing is what I want and am meant to do isn't enough. I actually have to DO it. I have to dedicate myself fully to it. And I'm tired of letting my insecurities and fears control my life and control my writing. 

I'm posting this to hold myself accountable. To promise myself that now is the time for change. Now is the time to truly pursue my dreams--headfirst and without hesitation. Today marks the day I put my passion first and begin fully pursuing my career as a writer.

My first coffee shop beverage of the day, a chai latte.  Yum-licious! (that is a super annoying word, I won't use it again)

Thank you for everyone reading this blog and for being a part of my journey! I really appreciate it :)

And now, on a less serious note, some fun quotes and pictures!

Love this. 


How I feel about my relationship :) we're always going on adventures and being spontaneous--it's the best!

Because sometimes, all you can do is have faith.


Fight Like a Girl

SOO...I intended to post this last night but it didn't upload! So I'm just going to go ahead and re-post it this morning (and I'll post another one later today!).

Watching some Game of Thrones with my boo (I've already watched all of the seasons but he's experiencing it for the first time). For anybody familiar with the show, we're on episode 9 of the first season...duh duh DUH!

Leading up to our viewing of GOT, we went to El Coyote (a delicious Mexican restaurant) and I had my first beer in a month and 3 days!  Yes, that's right, I went a WHOLE MONTH without drinking a single beer. I've had a few drinks here and there (champagne, a glass or two of wine) but no Blue Moon or Budweiser. I was going to not drink beer until my marathon in December, but decided any positive effects I'd noticed in my health, energy, etc. weren't beer related. They were related to the fact that I've been drinking quite a good deal less then I did previously (which, just to clarify, wasn't that much to begin with). So the new plan is to have a drink when I want one, every now and then. 

Before dinner we went boxing. This was first time to ever really throw a punch and OH MY GOSH it was therapeutic. I've been going through some things lately and have a lot of demons to face down and boxing was the perfect way to de-stress, feel empowered, and encourage positive change. It was awesome and I can't wait to do it again. Before you know it I'm gonna be able to kick some serious ass (haha). But really, it was incredible.

Feeling like a total boxing diva in my pink gloves! :)

Have a good Friday and go do something that reminds you how strong and awesome you are :)



Little Tokyo and MOCA!

>> Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend update part two!

Prepare yourself for lots and lots of pictures!

Yesterday Linus and I went to downtown LA and had a wonderful day. 

First we went to Little Tokyo...

A very excited, supposedly grown up woman...


A cool steam-punk cat (random, I know)

Delicious Vegetarian Miso Ramen at Mr. Ramen!

Then, we went to the MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art, we went to two of the different locations). Currently at these two locations, there's an exhibit by Urs Fitcher (a Swiss-born artist) who is now one of my favorite artists. His work is surreal, bizarre, and twists the concept of what is 'real.'

I was simultaneously inspired, intrigued, freaked-out, and mesmerized by his art. Check out my pictures and check out his website ( And if you live in or around go see it in person!!

The first exhibit by Urs Fischer that we saw consisted of thousands upon thousands of clay works created by the artist himself and 1,500 other individuals to create a huge collaboration. The art spans about 10 different completely white rooms, and it felt like being immersed in a different world. It was fascinating.

There were also several pieces made of wax (these were all by Fischer) that, over the course of the exhibit actually melt, drooping and changing from day to day.

The second exhibit is one of the best art exhibits I've ever seen. This collection contains work from the past two decades and it's whimsical, humorous, and disturbing.

He has a whole series of 50's film stars that are obscured by various objects.

Giant raindrops suspended from the ceiling.

This piece--'Untitled'--was probably my favorite. I'm obsessed with this melting, rainbow bed!

My contribution to the art :) There's an entire room full of everyday objects blown up into 3-D, mirror-backed pieces.

The whole exhibit is separated by giant holes in the wall.

It was such an awesome day! 

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

Happy Monday! (so many exclamation points!!!!)