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Sundays Rock

>> Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Sunday everyone!

In my little LA household, Sunday's mean football, snack food, snuggling and relaxing. Usually it also means a long run, but we decided to skip it this week (more on that later).

This morning we watched the Packers game, and these were are various reactions...

Heehee :)

Then Linus and I took a trip to Target and Ikea (where we ate some delicious Swedish food and purchased a super cheap table).

We got back late afternoon and sat down for the Dallas game. Here are our reactions this time...

Go Dallas!! (I look more surprised than excited, but you get the idea).

Now we're making tacos for dinner and enjoying the last quarter of the game.

THEN it's time for the season premier of The Walking Dead! I am so excited!

But, back to the run. We got up this morning at 6ish and we were about to leave when I reluctantly admitted that my hamstring was bothering me. I hate, hate, hate taking days off, especially during training, but I've learned over the years that it's way more important to take a day (or a few) off then risk injuring yourself.

I felt guilty for a few minutes, but after crawling back in bed and allowing myself to realize that days off are okay (and necessary!) I felt happy with the decision. I struggle with listening to my body sometimes, but it's so important to know when to take it easy, and when to push it. I'm getting better at it, and my decision this morning makes me more confident in my ability to stay healthy.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and that you're feeling recharged for the upcoming week!



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