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15 MILES!!

>> Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ran 15 miles this morning! That is officially the longest distance I have ever run in my entire life! And it actually didn't feel that exhausting. I was definitely sore during the last 3 or 4 miles, but I finished feeling a lot stronger and less achy than last week's 14 miler. I am veeery sleep now though. Thankfully, today I have no obligations other than eat delicious food, watch football, and snuggle. And watch Saturday Night Live since I missed it last night (I heard it was awesome though...I love Tina Fey).

But back to the running. I am SO glad I bought a water bottle belt. It's a CamelBak one (this is my favorite brand...I used one of their backpack/water storage versions when I ran up Pike's Peak back in high school). The first time I ran with my new pack, it felt a little awkward. Everyone who knows me also knows that I prefer to run in the least amount of clothing as possible. I hate being overheated and I hate feeling weighed down by cotton or oversized running gear. So I was a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to get used to a rather large water bottle and pack strapped around my waist. But I've run with it three times now and absolutely LOVE it. As long as I tie it tight before the run, and get it adjusted how I like, I don't even notice it while running. And I feel a billion times better when I'm able to stay hydrated. For anyone who wants to run longer distances, I strongly recommend investing in one of these!

This is the one I have - of course, I had to get it in pink (they have several other colors, check out their website or hit up a local running store)!

It's super comfy and well padded - it never chafes or rubs uncomfortably. And the pouch on the side is the perfect size for goo's, snacks, car keys, and cash. Oh and the bottle is easy to pull out and put back while on the run!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday! Go Cowboys!


My Dog. In a Sweatshirt.

>> Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hi everyone—

I know I haven’t been blogging as frequently, but I’m working on totally revising/recreating it. I just think it’s time I made it more relatable, as in, less like my personal online diary. I love sharing my day-to-day stuff with anyone who wants to hear it, but I think it’d be more fulfilling for everyone if my blog had some direction. Right now it’s just so all over the place, and I really want it to be more focused. So I’m working on that—just keep checking in and I’ll let y’all know when the new blog is ready to go!

But, until then, I’m going to be random.

The past couple of days have been busy as is quickly becoming the norm.

The interesting stuff:

Last Saturday I ran 14 miles at the beach. 14! I ran 14 miles once my junior year in high school, and that’s the longest distance I’ve run to date. People always seem surprised that I haven’t run more than that before now. But I’ve spent my entire running career training for one mile, two mile, 3.2 or 6 mile races. I usually gravitate toward races that are long enough that I can use my endurance, but short enough that I can still run fast. But I really do love running longer distances (we’ll see how I feel about that when I start getting into the 20 milers). It’s oddly therapeutic and invigorating all at once. It gives me a prolonged adrenaline rush while simultaneously putting me at ease. It’s pretty amazing really. The 14 miler this past weekend definitely hurt (especially in the last two miles). My cardio felt great, but my legs were achy achy achy. And the bottoms of my feet…ouch.

But after finishing 14 miles (and barely being able to walk), I could only smile. That’s the cool thing about running for me, no matter how bad it hurts or much I sweat or how long it takes, I always finish the run smiling. I just can’t help it.

I just ran again today (first time since Saturday), only 4 miles this morning due to time restraints, and for the first time in a long time I ran without music. Not by choice (initially)—my iPhone was on the brink of dying. But I’m so glad I ran without tunes today. Sometimes I forget how amazing it is to hear your own breath and monitor your breathing. The sounds of nature are sometimes just as captivating as Taylor Swift (yes, I run to her music) or Katy Perry’s new single (also on my playlist). It left me with the ability to think about things, whereas normally I listen to the music and kind of zone out. I don’t think I want to run without music from now on, but I definitely think I want to make an effort to run without it for maybe half of my runs.

Linus and I bought Louie a sweatshirt. It’s basically a cutness overload. The best part is that he LOVES it. He doesn't even try to take it off (not even the little hood), he just snuggles up in it. SO. FREAKIN. CUTE. I swore I would never be the girl who puts her dog in clothes. Or puts her dog in her purse. But, guess what self, I AM that person. And I accept it. 

I mean, seriously, look at that face! I'm already planning out his entire closet.

Have a good Thursday!


Check out Boulevard!

>> Thursday, September 19, 2013

So today was juice cleanse day, and I'll get to that in a later post. It was an adventure. One that I may or may not have been successful with...

The big news today is that the newest issue of Boulevard Magazine is on stands today, and it has several of my pieces in it!

Check it out online at or, if you're in the LA area, pick up a copy at a local coffee shop/restaurant/other location. 

I'm so proud to have been a part of this issue and I've loved working with the team at Boulevard. It's been wonderful!

I've got another busy, all-day workday tomorrow but then it's the weekend and I've got some fun stuff planned! And hopefully I'll be able to get in a lot of personal writing.

Woah-random-I just saw a commercial for the new iPhone--their case thingies are colored! Nifty!

Hope everyone's having a great day--enjoy your Friday tomorrow!


Juice Cleanse - the night before

>> Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So. Tonight is the night before my first ever juice cleanse. In preparation I have:
  • ·      Only had one cup of coffee
  • ·      Haven’t had an alcohol
  • ·      I’m going to bed early
  • ·      I didn’t eat past 8:30ish
  • ·      I didn’t eat red meat, flour, dairy (but I never eat this stuff)

I’m equal parts excited and nervous. I’ve always wanted to do a juice cleanse but have always been kind of skeptical/like real food too much. But, since I’m doing this for my writing job, I figured why the heck not. I’m guessing I’ll either feel awesome or super cranky. I honestly have no idea. I am hoping that my abs look super defined for at least one day though…haha my priorities are so out of whack sometimes.

Anyhoo—I’ll keep everyone updated throughout the day tomorrow!


Being a Grownup is Exhausting!

So I’m now working four jobs. Yes. Not one, not two, not even three but FOUR. Granted, two of them sort of go hand in hand but I’m counting them as separate jobs since they’re separate paychecks and separate companies.

This means that I am exceptionally busy. Like, every single day.

This also means that I’m exceptionally happy (albeit a little bit stressed). I went from looking for a job to being lucky enough to land four. And I love all of them. Yes it’s hectic. Yes, it means I don't get as much sleep.

But it also means that I’m closer to fulfilling my dreams. It means I’m becoming a grown woman! It means I’m working toward a future and taking steps toward adulthood.

The only downside is that I don’t get to see my man and my dog as much, but I’m excited to be working and able to contribute to our relationship and our future. I think it’s so incredibly important for both people in a relationship to have their “own” things. In order to have things that are “ours,” we both have to have our own niches and passions and dreams. It’s healthy for both parts of a whole to be able to stand on their own – otherwise you end up with resentment, confusion, and a lack of balance.
There ya go, that’s my relationship advice for the day.

Basically, I’m super busy (what a change—I went from zero to a bazillion miles-per-work-related-hour). Now the challenge is making time to do my own personal writing. I refuse to let that fall through the cracks, so I’ve really got to try and adhere to the rule I made a couple of months ago—do at least some writing every single day. I may not be able to fit in five or six hours, but I’m dedicated to getting at least one or two hours in on work days and hopefully more on days that I’m off.

And of course, I will always make time to run. Even if it means getting up waaay early or running after work (no matter how badly I want to go collapse on the couch and watch Toddlers and Tiaras—a new season starts tonight y’all!).

It’s definitely a change, but I’m trying to embrace it and just roll with it. I feel so lucky and excited for all these opportunities!

Happy Wednesday everyone!



Upcoming Stuff (juice cleanses, makeovers and more!)

>> Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Busy busy busy!

Running recap:

Saturday: 9 miles (this was an incredibly painful stomach was in knots the entire time. Note to self: do NOT eat California Pizza Kitchen the night before a run).

Sunday: cross-training (biked for 40 minutes)

Monday: REST

Tuesday: 4 mile run (my stomach was all weird again today! I've gotta figure out what's causing this)

Other running news: The marathon that me and the man were planning on running is SOLD OUT. I guess we should've registered earlier. This definitely doesn't mean were going to stop our training, it just means we've gotta find a new race.

Random: For my writing job I get to do a juice cleanse and then write about it! I'm super excited - I've always wanted to do a cleanse. Thankfully it's only a one day cleanse so hopefully I won't get too cranky. I'm actually hoping it makes me feel awesome. I've got 8 mason jars full of organic, colorful juices/teas/milk/soup waiting for me to pick a day to do the cleanse. I'm definitely going to blog about it, so get ready for that (and be glad you don't have to deal with my food deprived poor boyfriend).

More random: I've been trying to revamp my wardrobe and am working on a lenghty post about that, so stay tuned!



Hope and Happiness

>> Friday, September 13, 2013

Fall is here! Well, temporarily at least. The weather in LA has been perfect – cool in the morning, wonderfully warm in the afternoon, and cool again at night. Of course, the temperature is supposed to rise again tomorrow (blah), but at least we’re on our way to cooler weather.

I’ve been working like crazy this week so I don’t have a whole lot of personal updates.

Wednesday I went for a 6 mile run at sunset on the beach and it was inspiring and beautiful. I dedicated the run to all of those lost and affected by 9/11 – running is the truest way I know to show my respect, regain hope, and express my love. That probably sounds strange, but because running is so important to me – and brings me such joy - I like to think that when I run I’m returning a sort of happiness and peacefulness back into the world. I ran fast and I ran with passion, and I finished the run exhausted but thankful and calm.

Then my bf and I celebrated 4 months of togetherness (it seems like it’s been so much longer!) at Duke’s, where we had beer, seafood and a yummy key lime pie. I could go on and on about how happy and lucky I am :) But I think it’s pretty dang obvious that this relationship is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I haven’t been this happy well, ever. These past four months have been incredible, and I’m so blessed to have such a hilarious, loving, talented, handsome, weirdo (this is a compliment) boyfriend and father of my dog. He’s
the best, and he truly makes me want to be the best I can be. He makes me smile and laugh every single day.

Okay, okay I’ll stop being a sappy romantic. But I can’t help it!

Today's Friday - woohoo - and I'm going to try and do some writing.

Have a fabulous Friday everyone!



Love Who You Love!

>> Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Monday y'all!

My day consisted of work (always fun), gym (fun-ish), buying of a massive TV (very fun), writing poetry (therapeutic and thought-provoking), and watching Toddlers and Tiaras (entertaining and embarrassing). Oh and baking granola (delicious!). 

Boom! Giant TV for me to watch Toddlers and Tiaras on.

I've also been thinking quite a bit about Game of Thrones. Basically, I'm having withdrawal and need the new season to start. I'm also considering doing GOT characters for my little family's Halloween costumes. It's been done before, I know, but I really, really want to be Deanerys and dress Louie up as my tiny little baby dragon. And Linus could be Drogo (who I'm obsessed with despite certain things that happen - no spoilers here!) and he could wear my brunette extensions. It would be PERFECT.

These two are seriously one of my all time favorite couples on television. 

I mean, "Moon of my life" and "My sun and stars?" SWOON. And sure, their relationship began under very unpleasant circumstances, but I truly think these two come to love each other.

But anyhow, I love GOT.

Okay, since we're talking about romance, Toddlers and Tiaras just ended and this show called Cougar Wives is now on. WOAH. Talk about...interesting and awkward. I definitely don't judge - love who you love, age is but a number, etc. etc. But damn you TLC for making me watch your crazy, addicting shows!

And seriously, love who you love. I'm in full support of cougar wives - RAWR!



Cowboys and Country Music

>> Sunday, September 8, 2013

Woohoo! GO COWBOYS! 

It's the first football Sunday of the season - exciting!

I've got my blue and silver on and am hoping for some Dallas domination (hopefully!).

I love Victoria's Secret NFL collection - super cute!

But enough football talk.

Has anyone been listening to the band The 1975? I only very recently heard of them, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up obsessed. They remind me a little bit of Frightened Rabbit (you should check this Scottish indie/rock/folky band out). Apparently The 1975 has gotten really popular lately; I'm thinking I should buy the album.

Speaking of good music, I cannot wait for Keith Urban's new album to come out on the 10th. I grew up listening to Keith, back when he was in The Ranch. His music reminds me of my family and growing up in Texas. So many of his songs bring back memories of time spent with my mom and dad - I remember sitting in the driveway with my father singing along to 'Ghost in this Guitar' by The Ranch. To this day, that song still brings me to tears and remains one of my favorite tunes. I remember listening to 'Making Memories of Us' and 'You'll Think of Me' with my mom and talking about how beautiful the lyrics are (and how sexy Keith is). His music holds a lot of memories for me, and from what I've heard of his new album, it's going to be incredible.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and enjoying some football and good music!



Hot, Hot, Hot!

>> Saturday, September 7, 2013

Holy moly it’s hot in CA right now! Seriously, it’s been 100 degrees all week in LA. I keep telling myself, “it’s hotter in Texas, it’s hotter in Texas,” but I’m already so spoiled by how nice the weather usually is here.

But oh my goodness I am ready for some cooler weather.

What I’m currently obsessed with: the ice blended drink at Coffee Bean made with soy milk and pumpkin flavoring. I’m pretty sure this is terrible for me (and full of sugar), but it’s so worth it. Especially on days when the temperature is in the triple digits. Heck, I’m sweating so much I need to replenish my calories with sweet, sweet fake pumpkin syrup. Yummm. Seriously though, it’s delicious. My boo doesn’t like them, he says they taste like oatmeal raisin cookies, but that just sounds extra delicious to me!

The pumpkin one is the super orange one haha

This morning me and my man went for a twelve mile run at the beach. We got up at 5am to beat the heat, which was awesome because it was absolutely beautiful this morning. The run was fabulous (I made sure to hydrate last night and this morning and didn't feel sick today!), and although we're both very sore now, we're enjoying the benefits of burning calories and are eating a ton of food.

Ran through Venice Beach, all the way to the Venice Pier! There's some awesome art along that stretch of beach; it's quirky and fun!

Have a good weekend y'all!