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Being a Grownup is Exhausting!

>> Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So I’m now working four jobs. Yes. Not one, not two, not even three but FOUR. Granted, two of them sort of go hand in hand but I’m counting them as separate jobs since they’re separate paychecks and separate companies.

This means that I am exceptionally busy. Like, every single day.

This also means that I’m exceptionally happy (albeit a little bit stressed). I went from looking for a job to being lucky enough to land four. And I love all of them. Yes it’s hectic. Yes, it means I don't get as much sleep.

But it also means that I’m closer to fulfilling my dreams. It means I’m becoming a grown woman! It means I’m working toward a future and taking steps toward adulthood.

The only downside is that I don’t get to see my man and my dog as much, but I’m excited to be working and able to contribute to our relationship and our future. I think it’s so incredibly important for both people in a relationship to have their “own” things. In order to have things that are “ours,” we both have to have our own niches and passions and dreams. It’s healthy for both parts of a whole to be able to stand on their own – otherwise you end up with resentment, confusion, and a lack of balance.
There ya go, that’s my relationship advice for the day.

Basically, I’m super busy (what a change—I went from zero to a bazillion miles-per-work-related-hour). Now the challenge is making time to do my own personal writing. I refuse to let that fall through the cracks, so I’ve really got to try and adhere to the rule I made a couple of months ago—do at least some writing every single day. I may not be able to fit in five or six hours, but I’m dedicated to getting at least one or two hours in on work days and hopefully more on days that I’m off.

And of course, I will always make time to run. Even if it means getting up waaay early or running after work (no matter how badly I want to go collapse on the couch and watch Toddlers and Tiaras—a new season starts tonight y’all!).

It’s definitely a change, but I’m trying to embrace it and just roll with it. I feel so lucky and excited for all these opportunities!

Happy Wednesday everyone!



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