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My Poor Car

>> Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Soooo this morning I took Louie outside for a walk, rounded the corner and found my car absolutely destroyed. 

Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. But the left back end is completely bashed in and ruined. I promptly turned around, ran back to the apartment and, wide eyed and still holding Louie's leash, told my boyfriend the news.

This is the second time my car has been damaged while parked on the street. It happened when I lived in Austin one summer (I came out one day to find the roof completely bashed in). So I was not pleased to find that, yet again, someone had f-ed up my car. UGH.

Thankfully, the guy who hit it actually left his name and number. And I returned to my car later to find a photograph and a number from a guy who saw the crash and took a picture of the offender's car. That helped restore my faith in humanity at least a little bit.

I'm still frustrated (it's been such a hassle), but I just keep reminding myself that it could have been a lot worse. It could have been a hit and run. The damage could have been worse. I could've been in the car.

All things considered, it's not that big of a deal. An inconvenience, sure, but stuff like this happens. Almost everyone I talked to today (my insurance guy, the lady at the Hyundai repair shop) has had the exact same thing happen to them. It's fixable and it won't cost me anything more than some time getting it fixed. Maybe I'll even get a rad rental car.

Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday! I'm going to go for a hike and watch the Miley Cyrus documentary tonight. Drive safe and be nice :)



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