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Love Who You Love!

>> Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Monday y'all!

My day consisted of work (always fun), gym (fun-ish), buying of a massive TV (very fun), writing poetry (therapeutic and thought-provoking), and watching Toddlers and Tiaras (entertaining and embarrassing). Oh and baking granola (delicious!). 

Boom! Giant TV for me to watch Toddlers and Tiaras on.

I've also been thinking quite a bit about Game of Thrones. Basically, I'm having withdrawal and need the new season to start. I'm also considering doing GOT characters for my little family's Halloween costumes. It's been done before, I know, but I really, really want to be Deanerys and dress Louie up as my tiny little baby dragon. And Linus could be Drogo (who I'm obsessed with despite certain things that happen - no spoilers here!) and he could wear my brunette extensions. It would be PERFECT.

These two are seriously one of my all time favorite couples on television. 

I mean, "Moon of my life" and "My sun and stars?" SWOON. And sure, their relationship began under very unpleasant circumstances, but I truly think these two come to love each other.

But anyhow, I love GOT.

Okay, since we're talking about romance, Toddlers and Tiaras just ended and this show called Cougar Wives is now on. WOAH. Talk about...interesting and awkward. I definitely don't judge - love who you love, age is but a number, etc. etc. But damn you TLC for making me watch your crazy, addicting shows!

And seriously, love who you love. I'm in full support of cougar wives - RAWR!



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