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>> Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hi everyone!  I've officially updated and refurbished my blog - you can check it out and follow along with my adventures and writing at  Thank you so much for all the love and support - y'all are the best! :)


Stay Posted

>> Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately - I'm in the middle of revamping/redoing my blog!  The new one should be up soon, so stay posted!!  It's going to be fabulous!!



Stress Happens

>> Monday, November 4, 2013

Okay, so I’m usually pretty decent at handling stress. In fact, I like to think that, to some degree, I thrive on it.

Today, that is not the case.

Usually, Mondays don’t bother me. I don’t dread the weekend ending (though of course I wish it could go on forever, but I really do enjoy working).

Today, Monday is bothering me.

Well, not Monday itself per say, just the crazy amounts of stuff that I suddenly have going on.
Amidst having my car totaled, juggling three jobs, dealing with some weird medical issues, traveling and running errands, I’ve finally lost my composure. This morning I want to lay on the floor and cry like a toddler.

Of course, my officemates might not enjoy that, so I think I’ll save it for when I get home tonight.

I’m only half kidding.

Seriously, today’s been nutty.

But, I know I’m capable of handling everything. Sometimes life gets messy and chaotic, and dealing with that is what makes us stronger and more capable.

I’m going to have to make some decisions regarding my schedule, and I’m going to have to start figuring out where I want my priorities to be. I’m so blessed to have several amazing jobs – I really do love all of them. It’s just a matter of balancing them better, which is something I’m still learning how to do.

Hell, I’m only 24, and up till now I’ve worked as a bartender (that’s a whole different kind of multitasking). It’s exciting to finally have to balance and juggle big girl jobs, even if it does make me want to scream sometimes. I do wish I had a mini-bar in my office right now though…I’d whip up a Jameson and Cranberry right about now.

I really do love writing, even jotting all this down is making me feel monumentally better. (That being said, if anyone in the LA area wants to bring me a drink, feel free).

Another reaffirming thing is the love and support I’ve received from people recently – everyone from friends, to people I work with, to family. In the midst of the madness, they know how to make me focus on what’s important and how to remind me that, at the end of the day, I am loved – and no amount of stress can take that away.

So here's to all the wonderful people in my life - cheers!



Sunday Shopping

>> Sunday, November 3, 2013

Since November 1st (AKA three days ago), I've indulged in a gingerbread latte and a peppermint mocha latte (the holidays are my favorite time for Starbucks). And I can assure everyone that I will be partaking in these wintery delights many more times before January rolls around.

Just wanted to share my coffee addiction.

Anyhow, today's Sunday which means football, chips and salsa, and lazy lounging. Plus, daylight savings happened last night which meant we got an extra hour of sleep! Today was the first time I've been able to sleep late in what feels like weeks. And I made the most of it. This upcoming work week is going to be nutty so I feel like I might as well enjoy some downtime while I've got it.

Also, GO COWBOYS - we won today which was a lovely surprise.

While we did end up doing some relaxing today, Linus and I ended up going out and running some errands which ended up being productive for my happiness/problematic for my wallet.

I found some awesome deals at TJ MAXX and ended up with the following:

This AMAZING lotion made from hemp seed. I think this might smell better than any other lotion/soap/anything I've ever come across. It literally smells like freshly baking lemon squares. I'm obsessed.

A new fancy purse that was over 50% of the original price. It's a medium sized saddle bag style purse with fun stitching and details. Love it!

Now we're back home, about to cook some tacos and take it easy!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Unicorns, Sushi and Good Times

>> Friday, November 1, 2013

It's November! Crazy right?

I can't believe how fast the past 6 months have gone by - and how much wonderful change has taken place.

First things first, I just want to say thank you for the outpouring of love and positivity I received in regards to my post yesterday. I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I think I even cried a little bit.

And, I'm happy to say, Halloween was a success - on a number of fronts!

I decided (very last minute!) to dress up as a Rainbow Sparkle Unicorn. The best part? I didn't have to buy anything. Haha what does that tell you about my style?

I think the costume ended up being pretty cute :) This is the first time in I don't know how many years that I wore this much clothes for Halloween, and, quite frankly, I felt awesome. I could actually focus on having fun with my boyfriend and puppy, instead of worrying about how many people were looking at me, or if I was "sexy" enough. I didn't give a f**k. I ran around like a happy, rainbow, sparkle unicorn and felt confident and very much like myself. 

Vince Neil Armstrong + Rainbow Unicorn + NFL Puppy = LOVE!


To celebrate the night, Linus and I went out for a deeeelicious sushi dinner (we are obsessed with saki).

SUPER California Roll!

Then we adventured out to the Santa Monica carnival/street party thing. It was crazy. Thousands of people wandering along the boulevard being extremely drunk and mostly naked. People watching was AWESOME. Being bumped by peoples fake weapons and strange headpieces was slightly less enjoyable. But it was definitely fun to experience the whole thing.

After braving Santa Monica, we headed over to The Dark Room (great bar) and grabbed a drink before heading home to eat cereal. It was midnight and we were exhausted. Yeah, we're hardcore.

It was a fabulous Halloween, the perfect amount of low-key and craziness. Plus I got to wear a bunch of rainbows, which is one of my favorite things to do. Again, I'm really hardcore (obviously).

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and that y'all weren't any of the 73 people arrested in LA last night. 



Happy Halloween - A Conversation Starter

>> Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween y'all!

What's everyone doing to celebrate?

My Halloween plans:


*7 mile run this evening

*hit up Santa Monica Blvd to enjoy some quality people watching

*eat candy periodically throughout the day

What's crazy though is that I still don't have a costume!

I always have a costume. 

Here's a list of some of my previous ensembles:

When I was teeny tiny I dressed up as a black cat, a kitty princess, Minnie mMouse, a dalmatian, an alien, a '50s chick, and Pippi Longstockings. Unfortunately, all these photos are at my parents house so I can't provide any evidence.

In high school I was Bam Bam one year (my BFF was a sumo wrestler - basically the best thing ever - her costume kept deflating), a devil, and I think I was a cat again? 

This isn't from Halloween, but it's pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself.

The aforementioned costumes are from a simpler, more innocent time. As I got older...well, don't judge me. I'll give you my full opinion after you see the photos.

My first year of college, my girlfriends and I went as neon tigers:

Then I went as a bunny...

I was Janet from Rocky Horror one year (I'm not posting any of those photos because, well, I was only wearing underwear).

Last Halloween I was Emma Frost from X-Men.

Notice a trend?

Yes, I'm one of the many young women that has bought into the overtly sexy Halloween costume trend. Granted, these photos aren't as provocative as they could be, but they're certainly not trying to be creative or clever...

Wearing these costumes, I always knew there was something that made me feel not-quite-right about it, but I'd tell myself, "It's Halloween! Embrace your sexuality! Just do it! Boobs! Butt! Sexy!"

And trust me, I'm all for embracing your sexuality. I adore my sexy side and I love to flaunt it (sometimes maybe a little too much). It's so important to understand and be proud of that side of ourselves. But I've begun to realize that these sort of costumes - and at times, the clothes I wear on a daily basis - aren't sending the right message (to others and to myself).

I hate to admit it, but appearing sexy and desirable has played a huge role in my life. For too many years, I've placed my self-worth on my appearance and on whether or not men found me attractive. Obviously, Halloween isn't the root cause of this, but it's a great diving board for broaching the subject. 

After all, I didn't dress up as a sexy leopard or hotttt bunny for my own benefit - I dressed that way to get attention. I didn't wear lingerie as Janet because it made me feel empowered as a woman - it made me feel like the male species would find me f-able.

Yuck. Just writing that gives me the ooky shivers.

But I want to be honest about it, because I think it's something almost all women deal with. We're constantly reminded of the appearance-driven molds we're meant to fit into - skinny, tan, perfectly proportioned, blah blah blah. None of this is anything new - we've been receiving and trying to deal with these stereotypes for years. And we buy into it - at least I did (and still do).

Somehow, somewhere along the way, I associated my value with how I looked. Not the fact that I'm funny, a writer, or a great runner. Not the fact that I'm outgoing, loving, and unique.

I convinced myself that the only things that mattered were how flat my stomach appeared, how good my clothes made my butt look, and how other people perceived me physically.

So, dressing up skanky for Halloween was a no-brainer.

I remember my mum would give me costume ideas that were actually clever and still cute. I routinely ignored her suggestions and donned as little clothing as possible.

But in the past half-year or so, I've begun to reevaluate my priorities. I've begun to understand that my negative obsession with sexuality - and my unhealthy relationship with my appearance - have deeply affected my life - and gotten me into some seriously dangerous situations.

I've begun to explore why I feel the way I do in relation to these issues, and the results have been life-changing. It hasn't been easy, but I finally feel like I'm shedding my insecurities and accepting (happily) that there's more to me than my sexuality.

I've had amazing support from my boyfriend, friends and family throughout this journey, and I plan on continuing to write about it.

I do think that the reason I've had such difficulty coming up with a costume this year is that I'm scared. The idea of dressing up as a sexy anything gives me very conflicted emotions. There's a part of me that wants to wear sweatpants and a tee-shirt or something totally ridiculous. Then there's that part of me that insists I put on a black corset, heels, and a pair of animal ears - just one last time. I think I need to find the happy medium - something that makes me feel good about myself, but in a healthy way.

So that's my goal for tonight - I'll let you know what happens!

Have a wonderful, safe Halloween and, no matter your costume, make sure it makes YOU feel confident. 

Thanks for reading, I honestly didn't begin this post today with the intention of writing all this. It just sort of happened. But I'm so thankful for everyone who stops by and reads about my crazy life :)



Back in CA!

>> Friday, October 25, 2013

Woohoo back from Florida!

It was fun visiting the other coast, but I am definitely happy to be back in CA. It's a really cool feeling - California already feels so much like home.

But we had a good time, minus the fact that I turned into a total space cadet (I blame it on the humidity) and lost my favorite gray Madewell tanktop (left it in the hotel) and my driver's license on the SECOND NIGHT OF THE TRIP (pretty sure it went down a toilet...long story).

Thankfully I must have looked old or something, because I didn't get carded once. The only real issue was getting back on the plane. Thankfully, the American Airlines employees we're super sweet and cut me some major slack (read: no questioning, weird probing, etc.). I needed to get a CA license anyway, so maybe this is the universe's way of being like, "You are meant to be in California!"

I did run into a problem when I tried to buy cold medicine at the grocery store the other day. I forgot how many things you have to have your ID for!

Anyhow! Back to the trip:

Nerfherder show at Nerdapalooza in Orlando!

The ocean!

Awww :)


We were doing the YMCA...this is the A.

We ate dinner at this delicious seafood restaurant where I indulged in: wine, salmon, veggies, rice, an Irish coffee, and this amazing mango cheesecake/guava mousse dessert. 

I didn't have a lot of chances to access wi-fi so you'll have to forgive me for the lack of posts over the past couple of days. But I'm back and ready to do some serious blogging!



Embrace the Randomness

>> Friday, October 18, 2013

The past few days have been a whirlwind of working/running/getting ready for our trip to Florida!

It's been busy, but I can't wait to spend some time in Florida with my boo, our friends and his family.

I also can't wait to wear bathing suits in October! Yay for the beach!

I'll try and update the blog over the next couple of days so stay posted!

Because I'm boring today, I'm just going to post some random photos that were on my phone. Yay!

Heehee :) Looove the sweatshirts they sell at Kitson

I also really, really, really love smoothies.

Nachos (that probably have a 1,500,587 calories) that Linus and I order at our favorite bar Bordner's.

Everyone loves an adorable doggie in a football jersey.

Have a good weekend y'all!



Little Bird (A Photo Shoot)

>> Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My sweet boyfriend bought me a new pair of sunglasses the other day and I LOVE them. I don't typically buy smaller, aviator shaped lenses but these are dope (is that word even relevant anymore?).

I decided to use the glasses as an inspiration for a fun, funky photo shoot featuring fuchsia lipstick (Maybelline #160 Fifth Ave. Fuschia - I adore this look-at-me! color), a bird print skirt (Forever 21), my favorite gray tank (Madewell), and big, bouncy blonde curls. 

I also wore a plethora of necklaces from different places:
*silver feather necklace (Forever 21)
*long, multi-material necklace (American Eagle)
*shorter necklace (Bourbon and Boots - this necklace is one of my favorites, there's a copper plate that has a quote by Johnny Cash - "I keep a close watch on this heart of mine" - with a tiny, silver pistol charm)

And, of course, this photo shoot also features the beautiful autumn atmosphere!

Oh! And the glasses are from this awesome little store called Pop Killer!


Snuggles and Dark Chocolate

>> Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's a lovely Tuesday here in Los Angeles.

I went for a four mile run this morning and the weather was perfect - warm(ish) and sunny, but with a cool autumn wind. 

I've been running errands/working today, but have had a few moments to snuggle the Murfle and drink some coffee. And eat Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. DE-LISH-IOUS.

We like to play dress up :)

Look at that puppy smile!

Yummmm! (note the adorable stuffed animals on the book shelf heehee).

Seriously, you've got to try these. And make sure to put them in the fridge - they're even tastier that way!


My Sunday Nights Belong to Daryl

>> Monday, October 14, 2013

Okay, so who watched The Walking Dead last night??

Awesome, right?

I know plenty of people who take issue with various aspects of this show, but honestly, I love it unconditionally. Love the characters, love the intensity, love Daryl Dixon. Haha ;)

My Daryl shirt that I bought last season. *Disclaimer: my boobs are NOT this big. I think the camera angle made them look extra voluptuous or something - do not be fooled!*

But seriously, I think it's such a fun (and terrifying show). I started watching it this past February, during which time I binge-watched seasons 1 and 2 so I could be caught up for season 3. My mum and I watched season 3 together and together screamed, cried, and freaked out over the course of the season.

My BF hadn't seen any episodes before, so he watched some of last night's premier with me. Then he got bored and played with Louie while I shrieked things like, "NO NO, AAAAH GLEN!" Or, "OHMYGOSH RICK DON'T DO THAT!" (I basically talk to the TV for the entire hour of The Walking Dead).

It's just so damn good!

And The Talking Dead (the hour long show that follows, where various guests discuss the show and viewers learn all sorts of cool stuff about the special effects, dialogue, etc.) is always entertaining.

Now I just have to buckle down and start watching Breaking Bad...


Sundays Rock

>> Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Sunday everyone!

In my little LA household, Sunday's mean football, snack food, snuggling and relaxing. Usually it also means a long run, but we decided to skip it this week (more on that later).

This morning we watched the Packers game, and these were are various reactions...

Heehee :)

Then Linus and I took a trip to Target and Ikea (where we ate some delicious Swedish food and purchased a super cheap table).

We got back late afternoon and sat down for the Dallas game. Here are our reactions this time...

Go Dallas!! (I look more surprised than excited, but you get the idea).

Now we're making tacos for dinner and enjoying the last quarter of the game.

THEN it's time for the season premier of The Walking Dead! I am so excited!

But, back to the run. We got up this morning at 6ish and we were about to leave when I reluctantly admitted that my hamstring was bothering me. I hate, hate, hate taking days off, especially during training, but I've learned over the years that it's way more important to take a day (or a few) off then risk injuring yourself.

I felt guilty for a few minutes, but after crawling back in bed and allowing myself to realize that days off are okay (and necessary!) I felt happy with the decision. I struggle with listening to my body sometimes, but it's so important to know when to take it easy, and when to push it. I'm getting better at it, and my decision this morning makes me more confident in my ability to stay healthy.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and that you're feeling recharged for the upcoming week!



Creative Saturday

>> Saturday, October 12, 2013

Woohoo it's the weekend!

To celebrate I'm camped out at Solar de Cahuenga (a coffee shop in Hollywood), drinking a chai latte and doing some creative writing.


I forgot my headphones, so today my soundtrack is the always entertaining banter of too-caffeinated creative types (I fit right in!).

Speaking of creative-oriented things, I've been reading a lot lately. Nothing crazy exciting to report, but I do love being in the middle of a good book.

What I've been reading:

  • The second and third Hunger Games books - in preparation for the second movie I decided to reread Catching Fire, and then, because I love these books, I decided to just go ahead and reread Mockingjay. I'll happily admit that I adore these books. They're easy to read, fun, and fascinating. I love Katniss Everdeen (almost as much as I love Jennifer Lawrence); she's a wonderful female protagonist. Plus, they're perfect to read when I'm at the gym on the stair master (I pretend I'm in an arena fighting against the other tributes and have to climb a bunch of stairs...haha not really...but maybe...).
  • I'm in the middle of Tina Fey's Bossy Pants, which I've been meaning to read for a while now. It's okay. I love Tina - I think she's hilarious, but I don't find the book that funny. Maybe it's just not my type of humor. It's worth reading, but I don't know that I've laughed out loud more than one or two times. However, she's certainly an inspiration and I admire everything she's done.
  • I mentioned in a previous post that I was reading Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. I finished it and I loved it! Weird, whimsical and fun, I recommend this to anyone who likes stories that are a little off-kilter.
Alright, back to my chai tea and writing.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!



House of Blues

>> Friday, October 11, 2013

In the past week I have been to the House of Blues (in LA) twice.

The first time was with my boo to see Saxon. If you don't know who Saxon is don't feel bad, I had never heard of them either. BUT if you don't look them up and listen to them, then shame on you! Whether you like them or hate them, you need to check them out. These guys came onto the scene around the same time as Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. They're in their sixties/seventies now and they still ROCK. Like, seriously rock. The lead singer, Biff Byford, has the most beautiful, silver, super long hair and he was head banging like a badass. I went into the show expecting to laugh my ass off, and by the time it was over I was cheering along with all the long-haired metal-head dudes. I can't wait to get their new CD. 

Something about them reminds me of being in high school and hanging out with my guy friends. They'd listen to stuff like System of a Down, GWAR and Lamb of God. While I wasn't always fond of this sort of music, it definitely reminds me of my boys and the great times we had together. I was a huge fan of Coheed and Cambria (I still love them), so anytime I hear metal music I get a little nostalgic. One of my friends burned me every single Coheed CD and I still have them somewhere.

Anyhow -  it was an amazing show!

Look at his luxurious hair!

Then, last night, I went back to the House of Blues. The BF and I went mainly to visit our friend who was in from Texas and works with Blue October. I listened to some Blue October in high school (Calling You and Into the Ocean came out sometime around my junior year), but I was never really that into them. The lead singer's voice is rad, but the songs have never really resonated with me. That being said, they were great live. They even played some new songs that I plan on buying. I really just enjoy going to shows and listening to music, even if it's not one of my favorite bands. It's a lot of fun to immerse yourself in a concert crowd.
High quality concert photo right here...not.

Our crew :)

So it's been a music filled week. Miley Cyrus's album is out, which I was super excited for (no shame), but unfortunately, after listening to the clips on iTunes, I wasn't that impressed. I adore her two singles, and there are about three songs of the album I'm going to buy, but I just can't bring myself to get the whole album. Oh well. I still like Miley.

And now, an adorable picture of Louie.


Have a good weekend everyone!